My favourite faction has to be the funny greenskins. The orks are just so chaotic and funny to me, I never get tired of seeing them on screen.

I mean, a bunch of cockney bois slapdashing shit together that shouldn’t work, and ACTUALLY being a threat is a interesting concept to me.

And that they love the simple life of krumpin some gitz.

What about you, you zoggin meatsack, what’s your faction of choice and why?

  • @skygirl
    52 months ago

    I find the aeldari super interesting. They have weapons that don’t touch the body but hit the soul. They live on craft worlds which a basically constructed planets and can travel via the webway, a mysterious network of ‘back rooms’ they constructed long ago - and once they fucked so hard they tore a rift in reality and birthed a new god.