Greetings all!

There are a few YouTube channels I watch on a regular basis that I’d put in the science/math bin. Here are a few examples:

NileRed Standup Maths Steve Mould AlphaPhoenix

I was wondering if anyone here had any recommendations for other science/math channels to follow or a resource that aggregates good channels. As a lay person, as in no college level education on these topics, I’m not sure I have the qualifications to determine if a channel is highly accurate or not. I think I’ve done a good job finding channels that are accurate but wanted to check in with folks that may be able to better determine that.

I’m particularly interested in astronomy, cosmology, and evolution.

  • @mPony
    22 months ago

    Seeing all this science and nature content made me think of watching CBC’s The Nature Of Things as a kid. Their long-time host David Suzuki managed to piss off some powerful people, including the Prime Minister of Canada, so make of that what you will. It seems The Nature Of Things is still going, and they have a YouTube channel.

    • @Krudler
      12 months ago

      What did Suzuki do?

      • @mPony
        12 months ago

        He challenged conservative politicians on climate science issues.

        • @Krudler
          12 months ago

          What specifically can be pointed to? Are there any articles discussing it?