Lucky for me my parents were both “I didn’t save anything for retirement, my kids will take care of me when I’m older”, so I don’t have to suffer through this.

  • @[email protected]
    23 months ago

    My mother told my wife that if my father passes away first, she wants to go live in a home, not with us or my brothers (great, because I do not think her living with us would go very well). But of course the unspoken question was, “Is there money for that?” Given we just gave them money to fix their HVAC, I doubt it. So is the plan that my siblings and I are going to pay for it? It’d be nice to know so that we could plan…

    • Flying Squid
      23 months ago

      And, of course, Medicare does not cover assisted living. My mom is not fabulously wealthy, but it sounds like she’ll have enough to make it. Good luck to your parents.