• @Maalus
    2 months ago

    Well, my city operates busses on hydrogen. Must be worth it, otherwise they wouldn’t have done it. We also have a hydrogen fuel station.

    Edit: for actual numbers - 100km - 6.9kg of hydrogen average usage - 387 PLN. For comparison - diesel - 168 PLN, but it just assumes fuel cost. They explain that filters, maintenance, oil etc isn’t factored in and is higher for diesel, where hydrogen is a lot less complicated and requires less consumables to operate.

    For something that is just beginning to be introduced, versus diesel which was used since time immemorial, the cost isn’t that bad.

    For range, they say 450km “full”, but one shouldn’t completely empty the fuel tank. It takes 25 mins to fuel a bus from zero to full. They’re silent as hell, don’t need huge electric infrastructure (since they refuel so quick). Long term they predict that fossil fuels will be more expensive, with hydrogen reducing in price. They also get funding from the country for it, since it is a “green” vehicle. Also, zero emissions obviously, but still brake dust and tire particulate

    The biggest drawbacks is the current fuel price and the price of the vehicle itself.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Wonder where they get cheap H2 or if it’s being subsidized somehow? It’s like $36/kg here!

      • @Maalus
        12 months ago

        We have a private fuel station that does hydrogen, and the busses have two backup solutions. One that is able to fuel it to 100%, and the other they call “flyby” (?) which does 50% max. They get it hauled to the station using “hydrogen carriers” which each can get up to one tonne of hydrogen to the station. Apparently the station itself is electrically self sustaining from solar panels too.

        The current cost for personal vehicles is 69 pln (heh) per kg. They say that personal vehicles can refuel in 4 mins for a 650km range. For busses, they paid 56 pln per kg from October 23’ to May 24’ (that’s when the article I’m looking at aggregated the data). In total they paid 1.3 million pln, for twenty busses Now that I read it, 69pln is gross, 56pln is net, so they pay the same as the public. They project ~50k pln each bus will save over the next three years compared to diesels.

        Apparently, they got subsidies / EU funding to buy em. 65% of the value. Now they are buying more and they’re getting it 100% refunded - they’re only paying the tax, totalling 800k PLN, which is a steal. The busses themselves are modern as fuck too, passengers love em and so do drivers. Shit like side mirrors is a thing of the past, they get cameras now. They went through winter like a boss - no issues with them being susceptible to frost / freezing temps (remember, Poland is about as high up in latitude as Canada). Apparently it is sneaky enough to sneak up on motherfuckers, they have speakers mounted to simulate a car going 40km/h so pedestrians don’t get run over by it (since they’re basically an electric vehicle with a small powerplant on top).