Im trying self host my things (like Wallabag)… but this is extremely complicated to me and I have lot issues with it. And i know its probably to ruin what i do with self host and do somehing shit.
that being said, i remember see some people where provide services/instances for free to use wallabag and other things , where we can use it. If I use one, obviously i would donate money to them
i know i need to trust on who do this, but my question is if you know any instance or services trustworthy to sign up a wallabag account, since i cannot self host mine .
Thank you and merry xmas.
I know your question is regarding hosted options, but how were you trying to self-host Wallabag? I do it with Docker Compose and SQLite. It’s a very simple setup (see below) based on their example at
services: wallabag: image: wallabag/wallabag restart: unless-stopped environment: - SYMFONY__ENV__DOMAIN_NAME= ports: - XXXX:80 # replace with an open port volumes: - ./data:/var/www/wallabag/data - ./images:/var/www/wallabag/web/assets/images healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "wget" ,"--no-verbose", "--tries=1", "--spider", "http://localhost"] interval: 1m timeout: 3s
If you’re not self-hosting anything yet, I suggest learning Docker Compose and Caddy. It makes setup of new services really easy.
Alternatively, you could try something like Yunohost that handles this for you but replaces your OS.