Hey and i’m already sorry for this topic but i can’t find what i’m looking for.

Playing Fo76 for a few weeks and I’m about level 90. I tried a few playstyles (“sniper” commando, bows) but nothing really hooked so I wanted to try a Heavy Gunner PA Build but all of them are for 500+ players…

May anyone of you please show me the right direction or even a build i can follow or at least try to aim for? Still trying to learn the game…
VATS focus is optional but nice to have.

Thanks in advance and have an nice holiday^^

  • @TolstoyOP
    3 months ago

    Thank you for your response. Had to look up what tagging means… And yeah you’re totally right, I should try to relax and enjoy the game instead of min/max everything. It’s kind of difficult to find a direction without stumbling upon the “perfect, best, godlike” builds which again starting to push into min/maxing… Merry Christmas and happy Holidays ^^
    Edit: p.s. i tried to avoid youtube but at the end found an unkown tuber which explained all necessary perks for a PA heavy gunner

    • @FelixCress
      2 months ago

      It’s kind of difficult to find a direction without stumbling upon the “perfect, best, godlike” builds which again starting to push into min/maxing.

      Don’t worry about these, it is about having fun.

      I role play stealth sniper and I actually intentionally nerfed my character by ditching most of secret service armor and using scout armor instead, as scout armor pieces could plausibly be hidden under clothing (soldiers uniform). As a result I need to try to avoid being hit rather than rely on armor to absorb damage. It is much more interesting this way.

      Outside of some ops where Bethesda added some idiotic restrictions, most of the game is easy enough to use imperfect builds.

      I would say I only had serious issues with daily ops where Bethesda turned off stealth and added unlimited enemies and I didn’t even try to complete gleaming depth (I play solo). Apart from that, events and expeditions are not a problem.