I just looked at a game that is 60€ and said “I dont think its worth that and would buy now for 30, just to check it out”. Then I had the idea that some publishers/devs might benefit from knowing that 1-100000 people think that the game is worth X and would buy now for that price right now. In a case like today, the additional revenue would help their financial report etc. They could make short discounts to get especially these customers or even more tailored, you need to press “buy” and confirm at that price to let the publisher know. Like suggest price on ebay.

Let me know your thoughts and if this is a terrible idea. :)

  • @[email protected]
    232 months ago

    Wishlist vs purchase is already a signal that maybe you’d benefit from a sale. Seems like it’s enough. “Suggested prices” from gamers would be way too noisy to mean anything.

    • @thebigslime
      2 months ago

      Yeah I suspect the wishlist-discount-purchase nexus is sufficient and more reliable means to determine what the best price would be.