Day 24: Crossed Wires

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


  • @vole
    12 months ago


    I resisted the urge to solve part 2 manually and I was eventually able to get a working solution. Well it’s an approximate solution, taking advantage of the AoC input being not-so-mungled. I ended up using a couple of validity checks for part2. Specifically:

    • Is the input of a gate (or the output going to zXX) the right gate type?
      • e.g. All gates to zXX should be XOR gates that take in a gate that generates a carry bit. (z00 and z45 excluded)
    • Does the output appear the correct number of times for this kind of gate?
      • e.g. a XOR(xXX, yXX) gate’s output should appear twice. (z00 excluded)

    This also takes advantage of the fact that all the inputs are correct, it is only gate outputs that is messed up. Using this fact you can distinguish between XOR gates that are calculating the partial addition of xXX + yXX and the XOR gates used to get the final zXX bit. Same story for the AND gates.

    And I guess this also takes advantage of the fact that the input circuit is a standard adder without any extra gates.

    sub MAIN($input) {
        grammar Input {
            token TOP { <wire>+%"\n" "\n\n" <gate>+%"\n" "\n"* }
            token wire { (\w+) ": " (\d) }
            token gate { (\w+) " " (\w+) " " (\w+) " -> " (\w+) }
        my $parsed = Input.parsefile($input);
        my %initial-wires = $parsed<wire>.map({.[0].Str => .[1].Int.Bool});
        my %gates = $parsed<gate>.map({.[3].Str => (.[1].Str, (.[0].Str, .[2].Str).sort.List)});
        my $part1-solution = wires-to-int(%initial-wires, %gates, "z");
        say "part1 solution: $part1-solution";
        # z00   = XOR(x00, y00)
        # z00c  = AND(y00, x00)
        # z01p  = XOR(x01, y01) # partial addition
        # z01   = XOR(z01p, z00c) # addition including carry-int
        # z01nc = AND(x01, y01) # normal x+y carry over
        # z01cc = AND(z01p, z00c) # x|y + c-in carry over
        # z01c  = OR(z01nc, z01cc) # carry-out. Only one branch can be true, so a XOR would work as well
        # z02p  = XOR(x02, y02)
        # z02   = XOR(z02p, z001c)
        # z02nc = AND(x02, y02)
        # z02cc = AND(z02p, z01c)
        # z02c  = OR(z02nc, z02cc)
        # Only the gate outputs are swapped, in other words the inputs are always correct
        my %unknown-outputs := %gates.keys.SetHash;
        my %known-wrong-outputs is SetHash;
        my %zXp-outputs;
        my %zX-outputs;
        my %zXnc-outputs;
        my %zXcc-outputs;
        my %zXc-outputs;
        for %unknown-outputs.keys -> $uo {
            my ($op, $input-wires) = %gates{$uo};
            if $op eq "XOR" {
                my $is-xy-inputs = $input-wires[0].substr(0,1) eq "x";
                if $is-xy-inputs {
                    %zXp-outputs{$uo} = $input-wires[0].substr(1,2).Int;
                } else {
                    # any XOR gates that are not for zXp are for zX
                    # but we don't know for sure what zX gate it is for
                    %zX-outputs{$uo} = Nil;
            if $op eq "AND" {
                my $is-xy-inputs = $input-wires[0].substr(0,1) eq "x";
                if $is-xy-inputs {
                    %zXnc-outputs{$uo} = $input-wires[0].substr(1,2).Int;
                } else {
                    # any AND gates that are not for zXnc are for zXcc
                    # but we don't know for sure what zXcc gate it is for
                    %zXcc-outputs{$uo} = Nil;
            if $op eq "OR" {
                %zXc-outputs{$uo} = Nil;
        # z00, z00c are special
        # leaving z00 off of zX-outputs and putting z00nc onto zXc-outputs is useful
        # maybe?
        for %gates.keys -> $wire {
            %zXc-outputs{$wire} = Nil if %zXnc-outputs{$wire}:exists && %zXnc-outputs{$wire} == 0;
        # Let's just look for structural issues, having the wrong inputs for a given gate type
        # A zXnc input would be invalid for a XOR gate
        # A zXp input would be invalid for an OR gate
        # Two gates of the same type would be invalid for all, but it'd be hard to tell which on is wrong
        for %zX-outputs.keys -> $wire {
            if $wire !~~ /^z\d\d$/ {
                # All zX gates should output to a zX wire
            my $found-zXp = Nil;
            my $found-zXc = Nil;
            for %gates{$wire}[1].Seq {
                if %zXp-outputs{$_}:exists {
                    $found-zXp = True;
                } elsif %zXc-outputs{$_}:exists {
                    $found-zXc = True;
                } else {
        for %gates.keys -> $wire {
            if %zX-outputs{$wire}:exists && $wire.substr(0,1) ne "z" {
        for %zXc-outputs.keys -> $wire {
            next if %zXnc-outputs{$wire}:exists && %zXnc-outputs{$wire} == 0;
            my $found-zXnc = Nil;
            my $found-zXcc = Nil;
            for %gates{$wire}[1].Seq {
                if %zXnc-outputs{$_}:exists {
                    $found-zXnc = True;
                } elsif %zXcc-outputs{$_}:exists {
                    $found-zXcc = True;
                } else {
        for %zXcc-outputs.keys -> $wire {
            my $found-zXp = Nil;
            my $found-zXc = Nil;
            for %gates{$wire}[1].Seq {
                if %zXp-outputs{$_}:exists {
                    $found-zXp = True;
                } elsif %zXc-outputs{$_}:exists {
                    $found-zXc = True;
                } else {
        # zXp wires should appear 2 times each
        # zXnc wires should appear 1 time each
        # zXc wires outputs should appear 2 times each
        # zXcc wires should appear 1 time each
        # zX wires should appear 0 time each
        my %wire-to-created-outputs;
        for %gates.keys -> $output {
            my ($op, $input-wires) = %gates{$output};
            for $input-wires.Seq {
                %wire-to-created-outputs.push($_ => $output);
        for %gates.keys -> $wire {
            my $created-outputs = %wire-to-created-outputs{$wire}:exists ?? %wire-to-created-outputs{$wire}.elems !! 0;
            my $was = %known-wrong-outputs{$wire};
            %known-wrong-outputs{$wire}++ if %zXp-outputs{$wire}:exists && $created-outputs != 2 && $wire ne "z00";
            %known-wrong-outputs{$wire}++ if %zXnc-outputs{$wire}:exists && $created-outputs != 1 && %zXnc-outputs{$wire} != 0;
            %known-wrong-outputs{$wire}++ if %zXc-outputs{$wire}:exists && $created-outputs != 2;
            %known-wrong-outputs{$wire}++ if %zXcc-outputs{$wire}:exists && $created-outputs != 1;
            %known-wrong-outputs{$wire}++ if %zX-outputs{$wire}:exists && $created-outputs != 0;
        %known-wrong-outputs{"z45"}--; # z45 is fine, but it uses OR instead of XOR, because there is no x45/y45
        my $part2-solution = %known-wrong-outputs.keys.sort.join(",");
        say "part2-solution: $part2-solution";
    sub wires-to-int(%wires, %gates, $prefix) {
        my $int = 0;
        if $prefix eq <x y>.any {
            for %wires.keys {
                next if .substr(0,1) ne $prefix;
                $int += 1 +< .substr(1,*).Int if %wires{$_};
        } else {
            for %gates.keys {
                next if .substr(0,1) ne $prefix;
                resolve-gates(%wires, %gates, $_);
                $int += 1 +< .substr(1,*).Int if %wires{$_};
        return $int;
    sub resolve-gates(%wires, %gates, $gate) {
        my ($op, @input-wires) := %gates{$gate};
        my @input-values ={resolve-gates(%wires, %gates, $_) if %wires{$_}:!exists; %wires{$_}});
        %wires{$gate} = (given $op {
            when "AND" { [&&] @input-values }
            when "XOR" { [!=] @input-values }
            when "OR"  { [||] @input-values }