Adding grapes to microwave setups doubles the magnetic field strength, opening doors for smaller, more efficient quantum sensors.

  • TheTechnician27
    2 months ago’s bread and butter seems to be churning out low-effort articles targeted at laypeople who know fuck about shit and talking up every single minor new invention or discovery they can find as the craziest, most crucial thing ever. Written by laypeople who know fuck about shit (this one’s written by a BA in history despite being on, you know, quantum physics). See also: Gell Mann amnesia.

    Honestly seems like a trash website, and fluffing the hell out of any and every random discovery is bound to be damaging to the public perception of science in the long term.

    • osaerisxero
      202 months ago

      Only because it seems like it’s targeted at adults. Target it at kids, and you’re going to spark some real scientists from articles like this.