It’s always sparkling capitalism if you’re an Atheist.
Shareholders thank you for buying many of their junk with precalculated breaking points though!

  • @[email protected]
    292 months ago

    Not the most horrific thing, wanting to give people gifts. You don’t even have to buy them, could make something yourself and whatnot

    • @[email protected]
      142 months ago

      Your username being Finnish I assume it’s more Yule and less CHRISTmas for you as well?

      Our ancestors celebrated winter solstice long before Christianity was even a thing, and everyone knows the best gifts are handmade, not storebought. Emotions over stuff.

      At ours this year, the kids got toys, but the adults got framed family photos and such.

    • @gnomesaiyan
      2 months ago

      The thing I think that a lot of people forget is that you don’t have to wait until Christmas/Yule to do it. Imagine if everyone treated each other like it was Christmas every day of the year. Just, you know, without all the depressing nostalgia music and needing to spend money willy-nilly. What an idea!