• @FourPacketsOfPeanuts
    12 months ago

    This is just the early versions we’ll look back on and laugh at even when the successful versions have taken over EVERYTHING.

    so VR equipment is getting lightweight and powerful enough for high realism. AI is just about generating compelling reality on the fly. Augmented realty is just about working smoothly thanks to modern hardware.

    Now give everything another 10 years development.

    We’ll be tapping up compelling 3d ‘personal shoppers’ and ‘personal customer service agents’ that feel more like butlers and servants because they ARE. And they’ll be 100% generated and pretty easy to talk to, especially compared to waiting on the phone or trying to type chat.

    Perhaps Zucks metaverse dream will be located in there somewhere. What if in that time we nail 3d video chat - perhaps a dose of AI and VR ‘learning you’ so it gives you realistic micro gestures without having to scan your face aggressively.

    I can see it all becoming a lot more believable. And chatting to company AI services like you would a person becoming the norm.

    And someone will be like “ha, remember the ‘metaverse’ back in 2023/4?” and someone else will point out all the technology they’re using right then and there is owned by meta. In fact I bet there’ll be a TIL post about it in 2035…

    • paraphrand
      2 months ago

      Yup, I like to sum it up as “we are in the palm pilot era of smart phones still.”

      It’s a huge cliche to compare it to the iPhone. And it appears we won’t have an iPhone moment, it seems like we will have a more gradual shift.

      But yeah. We love our palm pilots right now. But it’s gonna get so much better.

      I can’t wait for social VR to be filled with more “normal” people.