in favor of using ONLY MESSAGING SERVICES, public messaging services, sorta like discord if i want to make friends, because i realized that making friends is already hard enough and therefore it’s harder to make friends in social media!! mostly because of the complicated ui!! dang it!! but yea if i were to ditch everything and instead use messaging services, PUBLIC messaging services like discord or even matrix, i think i would make friends more easily, that would make me very ok, plus i could show off more stuff that i’ve been working on like programming and get feedback and stuff, woa!! anyway what do you think please??

  • hendrik
    42 months ago

    You do you. If you’re having a better time at Discord, just go there and have fun. I don’t relly like it, so I wouldn’t do it, but that’s me. Any reason why you want to tear down the bridges? I mean you could as well leave the accounts in place until you made a final decision?