I was thinking about this the other day.

I can’t see the point, desktop search is a solved problem.

Yes Windows find is shit, but it doesn’t have to be.

I know a bunch of the conspiracies, but what is the legitimate use case?

  • @yesman
    12 months ago

    At some meeting someone asked: “AI is going to change everything. How is it going to change the Windows experience”? And recall was the best they could come up with.

    • @FourPacketsOfPeanuts
      2 months ago

      At the meeting:

      “The AI could just crawl documents etc?”

      “Don’t be silly… most people’s documents are cloud based now… and not necessarily with us”

      “We could scan the text while they Edge?”

      “I’ve told you about saying that that way…”

      “Ok. we could scan the text while they use Edge to browse?”

      "Use Edge? What planet are you on. Even I use Firefox. Simple truth is we have no visibility of what used spend 90% of their time doing "



      “You know… we could just take a screenshot at regular intervals?”





      “You know that’s such a ridiculously shit idea it might just work…”