Is there any benefit to host my own instance?

  • @StrangeWorrier
    351 year ago

    You also aren’t reliant on someone else running an instance that could go down at any time, either permanently or an outage.

    You have to worry about it yourself though.

    • Muddybulldog
      201 year ago

      A balancing act for sure. I’m torn on the topic. With some much excitement right now but so little history there’s a lot of uncertainty where to “plant your flag”. Part of me wants to setup my own instance simply so I maintain control of my identity should .world suddenly disappear. On the other hand now I have the responsibility of making sure I don’t make myself disappear. The mental debate will continue.

      • @IowaMan
        81 year ago

        I think for now it’s so early it doesn’t matter all that much. Just have fun! You can make multiple accounts so why not

    • CaptainApathetic
      11 year ago

      Yea but if you host with a major cloud server provider you’re basically having 100% uptime because they very very rarely go down and so the only issues would be stuff you’d have to deal with.