So, I want the make generator to remember user inputs and the latest generated output using the remember plugin, it works on user input but not for the output. I know there’s a solution for this since generators like AI Chat can remember the chat logs without problem but I’m too dumb to understand the code lol
Also, how can I prevent the AI to automatically generate output on first load? I’m using the firstload = true
tingy but I want to make it look cleaner when the generator loads since it 's displaying the [firstLoad ? "" : output]
for a split second, is there any other method for this?
Can you share the generator you are working on? You could set a variable that is attached to the remember plugin, then upon generation, update that variable with the generated output. Then upon load of the page, you would then retrieve that from the remember plugin and display it. As for preventing it to run, you could remove it, then on the button you use to ‘update()’, you can have
idOfContainer.innerHTML = ai(output)
to set the output of the ai to that container.I’m just making random generators atm, trying to figure out how it works for later use since I’m not really active in the platform, but I’ve tried putting the output alongside with the @inputs to the plugin code like this:
[remember(root, "@inputs,output")]
and got an error message like this:It seems the plugin is currently not supporting AI output text, also, thanks for the output suggestion!
EDIT: I think I’ve figured out the solutions for both of my problems thanks to AI code helper 👍