• @TankovayaDiviziya
    -72 months ago

    I got banned in a community for calling out a tankie who for tacitly supporting October 7 and calling him a terrorist because of it. Israel’s disproportionate response by killing civilians does not make October 7 better. I got banned for calling a spade, a spade, but allow doublespeak if it favours their biases.

      • @[email protected]
        142 months ago

        “I got banned in a community for calling out a tankie who for tacitly supporting October 7”

        is a wild way to describe that thread lmao

        • @StupidBrotherInLaw
          92 months ago

          I have a side hobby of fact checking claims of supposed mod tyranny because it often results in a schadenfreude/comedy gold mine. Watching this gobshite fall over themselves trying to justify their shite behaviour didn’t disappoint.

      • @TankovayaDiviziya
        2 months ago

        Of course calling out hypocrisy from tankies will always be deemed “arsehole” by tankies (notice that all the communities that banned me are all tankies). The modlog says it all: I called out the previous comment for deliberate lying. Anyone with two brain cells to rub and time to waste to backtrack the conversation could put two and two together.

        • @[email protected]
          152 months ago

          I can’t imagine why you’d ever be banned for such reasoned discussion as…

          Least crybaby murderer. Every 50 cents for you goes towards your milk bottle.


          You should be put into a re-education camp and come up with better script. Your mommy and daddy will come soon and kiss your booboo. And tuck you into your new bed at the reeducation camp. If your teachers caned you badly for not improving, mommy and daddy will kiss your booboo


          As expected from an .ml user, a terrorist. And an unsurprisingly ignorant one who can’t even read that the article presented contradict what they said haha.

          All of what you were banned for is like this or contains material like this. You really can’t see the issue here?

        • @StupidBrotherInLaw
          92 months ago

          Your comment contents speak for themselves. One can call out tankies without being a massive wanker. Apparently you can’t, though.

          • @TankovayaDiviziya
            -72 months ago

            So supporting two state solution and calling out the deliberate turning a blind eye to October 7 atrocities is being a wanker? Mate, if there is a wanker here it’s not me. Both of my eyes are not blind.

            • @StupidBrotherInLaw
              102 months ago

              I never said or even suggested any of that. You’re simply deflecting and doing so quite poorly.

              It’s amazing, the mental acrobatics people like you engage in to avoid taking any responsibility for their behavior. At least I admit when I’m being a git.

                • @StupidBrotherInLaw
                  62 months ago

                  “It’s not my (rude, aggressive, bad argument slinging, hypocritical) behavior, it’s everyone else, all the time! I’m being persecuted!”

                  -TankovayaDiviziya, copium addict and possible narcissist


                  • @TankovayaDiviziya
                    -72 months ago

                    “You can’t call an asshole, an asshole. You’re the asshole for calling the asshole the asshole.” - some holier-than-thou virtue signaller

        • @[email protected]
          72 months ago

          You called your opposite a terrorist. That’s not “getting banned for calling out hypocrisies”

    • @TheTetrapod
      2 months ago

      You don’t blame a kicked dog for biting. That’s not a tankie opinion, it was everywhere a year ago.

      ETA: Hell, I just remembered that I dropped that line during a first date in February and got an “Exactly!” in response.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Rampant murder, rape, and kidnapping of innocents at a music festival being likened to something as innocuous as a “dog biting”. Typical tankie metaphor.

        And before you go “But Israel does the saaame!!!” Then those people should be caught and punished too just like the Hamas terrorists should be.

      • @[email protected]
        02 months ago

        We aren’t talking about dogs here, neither are we talking about biting. We are talking about humans making the deliberate choices to kill, rape, abduct, and torture other humans. You do blame people for murder, no matter why they did it. Doesn’t mean Israel doesn’t do evil shit and their policy towards Palestinians isn’t disgusting, but it doesn’t justify murder, rape, a d torture. That doesn’t mean that Israel should not be pressured to stop some of their policies and operations which are openly in defiance of international humanitarian law, not justified by need, unnecessarily and unjustified brutal, and against common decency. To claim that the actions of either side are forced upon them by necessity or somehow dictated as response is to deny their humanity, their agency as individuals and political entities, and their right to self-determination. Neither of them is justified on their actions and all of them are committing grave, non justifiable, unnecessary, and self defeating evil.

        • @[email protected]
          42 months ago

          Lmao why is this extremely reasonable comment being downvoted? Some pieces of shit in this thread.

        • @TankovayaDiviziya
          02 months ago

          Finally, someone gets it.

          There is a reason that the most centrist position on the Palestine-Israel issue is two state solution.

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            It is not necessarily a centrist position, it is the only realistic solution so far proposed. Every other proposal known to me stands no chance at ending hostilities, hatred and oppression. At least if one is not willing to commit genocide or institute a permanent state of apartheid. Peace achieved by the total destruction of the opposing side unfortunately appears to be something some few influenceal people on both sides apparently see as acceptable or even preferable. These individuals must be removed, before peace can be achieved. The solution I would prefer would be that of a federated, strongly decentralized state containing both Israel and Palestinian lands, to allow both groups secure, orderly and mutually recognized access to their respective and their shared heritage, communities and their homes. Unfortunately this appears impossible in the current situation and has always been an incredibly ambitious plan, but perhaps it can be achieved at a later time, when the conflict has ceased for some time and mutual understanding and respect have been established.

      • @TankovayaDiviziya
        2 months ago

        And how is taking hostages, many of whom are foreign nationals with no dog in the race, going to support Palestinian freedom? Hamas could attack military personnels instead. I’ve gotten mental gymnastic response that civilians were still killed by independence fighters in history. But it’s not like there were no other previous independence movements, which could be emulated, that strictly told to target only military personnel and consciously avoid civilian deaths. That mental gymnastic insisting there is no other choice, even though there is, is tantamount to approving terrorism.

        It’s important to separate Hamas as an organisation and Palestinians as people. This isn’t rocket science. This isn’t a sports competition where you either support one team or the other. Not on you specifically, but it’s clear that many people’s lizard brain activates and fall on simplistic heuristics, and look the other way of the atrocities of the team they pick. Israel’s genocide is bad, and so is Hamas’ attack on October 7. First thing I thought when I heard of the attack was “I understand why it happened, but it’s going to add more ammunition to ultra-Zionism”.

          • @TankovayaDiviziya
            -52 months ago

            Oh… of course, an ml user will ask a loaded question, and ignore everything someone just said precisely to the loaded question just asked right now.

            • @[email protected]
              72 months ago

              I read your text, comprehended it, and asked a follow-up accordingly. I am not pressuring you to answer anything.

    • @pyre
      2 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @TankovayaDiviziya
        2 months ago

        It’s in a blahaj community actually.

        It was okay for the most part but that community seems to give a pass to October 7 supporters as long as the quiet part is not mentioned out loud.