@[email protected] did you mean that you literally fired off a vacation request as you were boarding the plane and it was denied, and you said fuckit. or was this a more general rage against the machine post indicating a general dislike of the concept that managers even have the ability to deny vacation requests. That is, a shitpost not intended to be taken literally.
Let’s check with the expert
@[email protected] did you mean that you literally fired off a vacation request as you were boarding the plane and it was denied, and you said fuckit. or was this a more general rage against the machine post indicating a general dislike of the concept that managers even have the ability to deny vacation requests. That is, a shitpost not intended to be taken literally.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Dude, it’s a fucking meme, just read the text.
“Time off denied”
Character already is in the plane
The word “already” tells you everything you need to know, you just decide to overanalyze for some reason.
There’s text and subtext.