Near the end of its investigation of the Murray Buttes area, the Curiosity rover took this farewell selfie at the “Quela” drilling location in September 2016 (Sol 1463).
Simeon Schmauß processed this panorama using 89 MAHLI images from the mission PDS. The colors were calibrated and white balanced to approximate what the human eye would see after adapting to the local light conditions.
The sky was filled in using simulated sky images from Steve Albers
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Steve Albers/Simeon Schmauß
Not sure if you can watch the YouTube 360 videos, but if you can here’s a bunch of them
Looks like firefox mobile isnt compatible. Oh well. At least other people can check those out. Just knowing that’s even a thing is pretty neat.
I’ll share other 360Cities as I find them, I know there’s a few out there :)