So quick history lesson:

Cadillacs and Dinisaurs started as an independent comic book called “Xenozoic Tales” by writer/artist Mark Schultz.

It first appeared as a short story in the comic “Death Rattle” #8 before having it’s own 14 issue run from 1987 to 1996.

In 1990, Marvel reprinted the first 6 issues under the more marketable title “Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.”

In 1993, there was a 13 episode animated cartoon.

In 1994, Topps comics picked up the license and did 9 issues, with Mark Schultz serving as a consultant but not the writer or artist.

The Sega CD game came out in 1994 in conjunction with the Topps series.

Longplay here:

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    132 months ago

    This is one of those games you’d buy back in the day just because of the cover art. Weird names/art is how I bought Earthbound and Zombies Ate My Neighbors cheap, before people knew how cool they were.

    Now I’m sure just the loose cart of Earthbound is like $200.