So, I want the make generator to remember user inputs and the latest generated output using the remember plugin, it works on user input but not for the output. I know there’s a solution for this since generators like AI Chat can remember the chat logs without problem but I’m too dumb to understand the code lol

Also, how can I prevent the AI to automatically generate output on first load? I’m using the firstload = true tingy but I want to make it look cleaner when the generator loads since it 's displaying the [firstLoad ? "" : output] for a split second, is there any other method for this?

  • darkXploreOP
    10 days ago

    Sorry for the late response, unfortunately, I’m just started learning coding recently, especially JS, I might need to read a bit more about this lol thanks for the link!

    EDIT: Just wanted to let you know that I’ve figured out a solution thanks to the AI code helper, it basically wrote the similar function:

    // Function to load data from local storage when the page loads
      function loadData() {
        userInputEl.value = localStorage.userInput || ""; // Load user input
        aiOutputEl.value = localStorage.aiOutput || ""; // Load AI output
      // Function to save data to local storage whenever there's an input change
      function saveData() {
        localStorage.userInput = userInputEl.value; // Save user input
        localStorage.aiOutput = aiOutputEl.value; // Save AI output
    window.onload = loadData;

    And just simply put the oninput="saveData() into both input and output elements.

    • TAPgiles
      110 days ago

      Yep that looks good 👍