Yep. If you’re on the internet for long enough, you pretty much develop a sixth sense for when you’re being rickrolled. As soon as I saw that ‘Never’ fit, I knew what was up.
Yup, same, I didn’t even look for hints, just tried those lyrics…and groaned! Just like loosing the game, once you’ve been sucked into the vortex you’ll never get out!
Yep. If you’re on the internet for long enough, you pretty much develop a sixth sense for when you’re being rickrolled. As soon as I saw that ‘Never’ fit, I knew what was up.
Yup, same, I didn’t even look for hints, just tried those lyrics…and groaned! Just like loosing the game, once you’ve been sucked into the vortex you’ll never get out!
And yes, I just lost the game.