Pretty sure climate change is the answer.

  • Call me Lenny/LeniM
    22 months ago

    Political breaking point or physical breaking point?

    Politically, I’d say the whole national debt thing is going to take a toll and we’re going to see internationally backed revolutions in the US, in every part that wasn’t one of the thirteen colonies.

    Physically though? If anything, it would be something like damage to the ecosystem.

    • @roofuskit
      32 months ago

      Why? Why national debt?

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        So there’s this thing called MMT which essentially (vast oversimplification incoming) opines that the national debt is meaningless as long as we’re the dominant military power and everyone uses our currency (most large multinational trade deals are balanced with USD and most currencies derive a portion of their value from the country’s stockpile of USD). That theory has so far not been proven correct nor incorrect but we might be both 1) coming up on the first real test of MMT and 2) seriously breaking assumptions of MMT (BRICS has been investigating an alternative trade currency and Russia has a lot of oil and gas it wants to sell but USD sanctions have prevented).

        Is MMT correct or fantasy? Well, a lot of MMT supporters are highly paid government employees whose employer really wants them to say it’s correct but we haven’t really been able to run an experiment on it or anything.