I was perplexed by the question. What’s the difference? They explained: “Should I tiptoe and watch my manners around you or be blunt? Flirtatious or chill? Brag about my sexual conquests or talk about our feelings? When you’re sad, do I hug you and buy you ice cream or do we go grab some beers? Should I wonder if we’ll ever hook up?”
I’m not sure if I’m more appalled or confused by this mindset. I thought everyone treated their friends the same regardless of their gender identity. Is this just a fringe case of toxic masculinity, or is this really how the average cis person sees the world?
I honestly have a hard time realizing that pan is not the default lol
I think I was more perplexed because this person knows me - we’ve hung out numerous times. Why would the label I use for my gender identity be a deciding factor in whether or not they’re interested in me sexually?
I obviously don’t know you or your friend. As a neurodivergent cis man, amd part of the LGBTQ+ Community, I had a fair share of very awkward interactions. In many cases, people comming out / transitioning die not change my behavior around or with them, or made me ask those kind of questions. But sometimes, I really get confused. Ĺ
And ai asked the question “should I be worried we may hook up and loose our friendship”. I asked it because it happened to me with someone. We hooked up, we broke up, and lost all.
I would ask him about this question, why he thinks it is a question worth asking.
Speculation is always the worst advisor
I asked and he said that it’s because he approaches conversations with women with the intention of fuck-cum-sleep. Needless to say, the friendship is over.
jesus fucking christ, wtf
Outch. Would have made the same call in this case
Yeah, this sounds so misogynistic. Are women just potential sexual conquests to him? Doesn’t sound like a friend I would keep, personally. Respecting your gender means he’s got to respect women, too.
That’s exactly the vibe I got and it gave me the ick.
this is definitely some /r/AreTheStraightsOK material