• @grue
    32 months ago

    Did all the different parts (esp. legs and wings) turn out well when cooked in a natural pose like that? I would’ve guessed it’d be better to tuck the wings under or spatchcock it or something.

    • @thenewredOP
      42 months ago

      This is spatchcocked. It cooks fairly evenly, but the breasts take the longest. Not a big deal since the dark meat tolerates higher temperatures better. I usually target 145 F internal temp. This one went over.

      I’ve thought about putting together a video of my spatchcocking technique since I have it down to a few minutes. It’s a combination of a few videos I’ve watched.

      Essentially, starting at the back, cut around the rib cage, separate the thigh bones, then remove the entire rib cage from the breast plate by cutting through the cartilage.