Or rather, how they were broadcast on television.

They had a space and a time, they were not uncomfortably specific, you could make the decision not to watch them by changing the channel or go to the bathroom for a while and come back. Programs and movies were designed or edited in such a way that rather than an interruption, they felt like a pause.

Because that’s what they were: Advertising Pauses.

Not like now, which are Advertising Interruptions, Advertising Invasions.

Advertising “Disrespect for the Privacy and Time of the Users”.

EDIT: I love how almost everyone assumed that by “old” I meant commercials from the last century (90s, 80s) when I was thinking more like mid 2000s

    22 months ago

    You didn’t get what I meant…

    • @whotookkarl
      12 months ago

      Maybe, or maybe we just have different opinions on commercials?

      You miss the nostalgia of old commercials not because of their content but because you can skip them or content was edited to provide a break for them.

      I dislike advertising especially the old cable TV sub + ads style where you already paid for the content, and editing in breaks for movie commercials or planning an episode of a show around commercial breaks makes the experience worse imo.

      • NONEOP
        12 months ago

        Maybe. Perhaps we both didn’t had the same experience.

        I just think that, while advertising was always shit, nowadays is shittier, that’s all.