I was using a relatively old version of Photoshop around about 2016/2017 and back then at least I was so much happier using gimp, it felt easier and more intuitive even with what I considered to be the more advanced features. I’m guessing photoshop got a lot better then?
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I’ve had it happen several times, actually. Almost unilaterally it’s due to the other party believing that open source means less secure.
They never care to hear evidence otherwise, either.
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“Power users” of computers who are not in IT. Architects, mechanics, electricians. Not interested in IT but knowing how to use a computer fluently.
uhm yeah, especially if you’re young. all my friends laugh at me.
no, I suppose not. But falling out of the “norm” is laughable to them. Of course that isn’t just limited to software.
no, I think not. people would be less reluctant to try different things if it wasn’t looked down upon to use something “different” .
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I was using a relatively old version of Photoshop around about 2016/2017 and back then at least I was so much happier using gimp, it felt easier and more intuitive even with what I considered to be the more advanced features. I’m guessing photoshop got a lot better then?
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