Music is just layered simple patterns and our brains LOVE IT.

Sound is pressure waves, musical notes are a specific pattern of pressure waves. Melodies are repeated musical notes. Songs are repeated melodies following standard structure.

Our brains love trying to decode and parse all these overlapping patterns.

Maybe not really a shower thought and more wild speculation.

  • Electric_Druid
    2 months ago

    Musician here. This is definitely true, BUT interest can also come from subversion of those expectations. Can be seen in prog music and math rock (subversion of musical forms), funk (subversion of rhythmic expectation with lots of upbeats and short notes), etc

    • @Krudler
      2 months ago

      Exactly. Good music never ever goes where you expect and should always suspend the listener in a delightful unease.

      I’m a non-musician that love jazz, fusion, prog, etc. What I need from music is human rhythm. I am revolted by Bach style mathematical fugues and so forth, they’re different… not music in the way my mind and heart thinks of music.