Many years ago I was acquainted with college kids who used it exclusively to mask the fact that they didn’t believe in deodorant. Weed was certainly involved on some level, but I remember sooooo many unsolicited lectures about the dangers of bathing with soap every day and wearing “chemicals” when all you really need is a good sebaceous barrier to protect your skin and some nice patchouli.
Barf. Barf barf barf.
It was years before I smelled patchouli on its own - without the underlying BO funk. It’s not objectively bad, but I can’t disconnect it from the unwashed masses of prep school kids who were suddenly untethered from their dress codes.
I just think it’s funny that people believe you won’t know they’ve been smoking weed if they’re wearing patchouli.
As if there were any other reason people went out wearing patchouli.
Many years ago I was acquainted with college kids who used it exclusively to mask the fact that they didn’t believe in deodorant. Weed was certainly involved on some level, but I remember sooooo many unsolicited lectures about the dangers of bathing with soap every day and wearing “chemicals” when all you really need is a good sebaceous barrier to protect your skin and some nice patchouli.
Barf. Barf barf barf.
It was years before I smelled patchouli on its own - without the underlying BO funk. It’s not objectively bad, but I can’t disconnect it from the unwashed masses of prep school kids who were suddenly untethered from their dress codes.
Is that why people use it? I guess that would explain why it’s popular with the more crusty cohort.