I created Wabi-Sabi Structures, Unwrecked Ships, Revamped Shipwrecks, and Pale Formations. I’ve been developing mods as a hobby since July 2022, and playing Minecraft consistently since 2012. Ask me anything!
I created Wabi-Sabi Structures, Unwrecked Ships, Revamped Shipwrecks, and Pale Formations. I’ve been developing mods as a hobby since July 2022, and playing Minecraft consistently since 2012. Ask me anything!
How old were you when you started tinkering with Minecraft mods?
Are you a programmer in real live?
I’ve been playing with Minecraft mods for around 8 years at this point, I was 22 (in 2022) when I started making my own! I’m not a programmer, I use a lot of jsons and the tools provided are very limited. I think I design more than I code.