I created Wabi-Sabi Structures, Unwrecked Ships, Revamped Shipwrecks, and Pale Formations. I’ve been developing mods as a hobby since July 2022, and playing Minecraft consistently since 2012. Ask me anything!
How old were you when you started tinkering with Minecraft mods?
Are you a programmer in real live?
I’ve been playing with Minecraft mods for around 8 years at this point, I was 22 (in 2022) when I started making my own! I’m not a programmer, I use a lot of jsons and the tools provided are very limited. I think I design more than I code.
What is the best set of resources for one who might like to start building or modifying minecraft mods?
It very much so depends on the type of mod, but a great general resource I know of is Modding by Kaupenjoe. I’ve used his information multiple times even though I rarely need to touch on the technical stuff. For datapack creation, Misode’s website is invaluable!
No problem! Have fun!
Why do you work for free for the benefit of a large corporation instead of donating your time to a Free Software project such as VoxeLibre that would actually deserve it?
rude. people are free to devote their time as they like
people are free to devote their time as they like
Sure, and I’m curious to know why OP apparently “freely” chooses to spend his time giving unpaid labor to a rich corporation that certainly doesn’t give a shit about him. This is “ask me anything,” after all – is there some reason such a question would be out-of-bounds?
well, minecraft is really well-known, for one.
you could tell OP that Luanti/VoxeLibre exists, but your tone just sounded rude.
Yeah, I can be a real jerk sometimes, although I’m usually not intending to be.
I didn’t mean to be accusatory towards OP; if anything, my real attitude toward him is more one of concern for how he (and all other unpaid modders of proprietary games) has been taken advantage of. My purpose in asking the question is admittedly partly about getting people thinking of the situation in those terms, but also about trying to understand what aspect of the circumstances most influenced his decision-making.
What you see in the tone of my comment is the low-key frustration I’ve had for decades when thinking about this topic coming through. I mean, just think about it: imagine how much better the state of Free Software gaming would be if all those thousands upon thousands of volunteers over the years (from the original Doom on up) had put their effort into enriching the community instead of enriching the publishers who gatekeep access to the base game engines.