Spotify wrapped started this trend seems other apps are following through. Seeing a summary of things you did with there app. Kind of gives you a hint how much other things are being tracked.
Spotify wrapped started this trend seems other apps are following through. Seeing a summary of things you did with there app. Kind of gives you a hint how much other things are being tracked.
Yep, if there’s a third party app available I’ll take those instead, or for the likes of spotify I just download my music for offline playback. Not a fan of streaming in general, I’m a big proponent of file ownership. A bit different for youtube videos that I treat as disposable (consume it once and likely never again), but for music and movies, I need to hold on to the files. Even if I got legitimate access through Netflix or Prime, if it’s good, I’ll download a copy for archiving purposes.
For other apps I’ll try to get a FOSS alternative or if that fails (or is butt ugly) I’ll go with a small dev on google play instead.
I just use Grayjay for youtube.
Newpipe for me. On desktop I use the plain old website, but with adblock, sponsorblock and all other privacy enabling plugins, and of course on Firefox.
I actually have both installed, but I like how I can have different services with Grayjay.