America’s descent into mass delusion isn’t happenstance. The demise of courageous journalism isn’t a happy accident. Its replacement with engagement-chasing infotainment and propaganda isn’t an error. It’s a global assault on reason and informed consensus, and corporations and authoritarian bullies like Donald Trump are both architects and benefactors. For decades, academics warned anybody who’d listen
Behind the Bastards does a great podcast about that. Called “How Conservatism Won”.
It was an incredibly interesting piece about how Think Tanks are behind the shit show you see before us today. A literal playbook shadow written by a future supreme court justice nominated by Tricky Dick Nixon. It was well worth a listen much like most of BtB stuff is.
Behind the Bastards does a great podcast about that. Called “How Conservatism Won”.
It was an incredibly interesting piece about how Think Tanks are behind the shit show you see before us today. A literal playbook shadow written by a future supreme court justice nominated by Tricky Dick Nixon. It was well worth a listen much like most of BtB stuff is.
I’d also suggest the alt-right playbook videos on YouTube: