When Apple unveiled its AR/VR Vision Pro headset early last year the product was met with just an absolute ocean of tech press hype. You couldn’t spend thirty seconds online without reading a…
Right, hence I said “greatly reduces the chances”. I know some people are still affected.
I think with careful, controlled exposure, they could greatly lessen this feeling (or maybe even eliminate it), but it’d be a long road and I question how important it actually would be to them, so I don’t actually suggest it.
Personally, I love VR. I’ve always been an avid fan of 3D TV/Games and VR, and I always will be. I long for the day that AR is properly implemented.
But I also understand that others don’t share that love, for personal or even physiological reasons.
Did people get motion sickness from these. I know VR is diff, but the PS VR2 make my head hurt after 20 min or so.
No, because they weren’t for games and they pretty much had always-on video passthrough, which greatly reduces the chances of getting nausea.
No delay with the passthrough video? Still can be disorienting. Maybe it’s just me.
Right, hence I said “greatly reduces the chances”. I know some people are still affected.
I think with careful, controlled exposure, they could greatly lessen this feeling (or maybe even eliminate it), but it’d be a long road and I question how important it actually would be to them, so I don’t actually suggest it.
Personally, I love VR. I’ve always been an avid fan of 3D TV/Games and VR, and I always will be. I long for the day that AR is properly implemented.
But I also understand that others don’t share that love, for personal or even physiological reasons.
I wanna love VR but it makes me sick, which is odd because I fly drones with goggles and don’t get sick even with all the loops and flips.