If they can elect a felon to the white house, so could we.

Edit: Better image, thanks to @[email protected]

    • @Codrus
      -62 months ago

      You didn’t though. If so, would you care to explain further? And make sure to answer the question directly this time.

      • @Allonzee
        2 months ago

        I can repost my at length response as to who is murdered and why matters, your response to it would indicate you don’t see the someone murdering an active murderer, or a member of a mass murder movement, as any different than any random murder of hatred or convenience.

        Eva Braun apparently just didn’t love Adolf enough to mend his heart.

        • @Codrus
          -12 months ago

          So who you rape matters? So if Trump raped what he considers as the worst of the world or someone he considers that deserves it and that it’s unquestionably justified for doing so, that makes it okay?

          • @Allonzee
            2 months ago

            You’re the one that keeps conflating rape and murder for some reason. Every point I’ve made has been about how the reasons and subject of murder creates nuance. I think rape and murder are different discussions entirely. Rape is a purely hedonistic act, you can murder in self-defense, or to save others like by ending a war by cutting off the head.

            People can and do murder for selfless reasons, knowing they will suffer or die as a result as a shield for those that stand behind them.

            • @Codrus
              2 months ago

              And again I ask you: what’s the difference between your reasoning that leads you to consider murder as justified, and the reasoning of even the very man you’re accusing? Even if it’s Hitler for God’s sake; by making the claim you’re stating that your justifications to what you consider as justified murder aren’t any different from if they came from Trumps reasoning. Murder is murder, even if it’s seen as something that’s being done for good. Because on the other side of things their convinced of the same thing.

              • @Allonzee
                32 months ago

                I think your problem is believing you can defeat darkness with light, when the reality is that just gets light crucified and bathes all in perpetual darkness. The unfortunate truth is darkness, whether the fires of hatred or the bone chill of sociopathic greed, only responds to the force they’re so eager to dole out. Light, goodness, benevolence is by its nature amenable, and it is that very benevolence, that flexible, amenable, “can’t we compromise and both exist?” that malelevolence uses to gain dominion, and it never offers the same. Benevolence, when left with no other recourse, must choose to take up the tools so comfortable to malevolence, murder, or be extinguished ie go along which means you’re no longer benevolent, just another compliant subject of the malevolent, and thus complicit.

                • @Codrus
                  12 months ago

                  My problem isn’t thinking it can, it’s knowing it absolutely can, by it doing exactly that in very memorable moments of even recent history. Of course the more barbaric the more incapable of teaching it the error of its ways though love, that’s why it’s a knowledge that needs to be gained, taught, transfered throughout the centuries. By responding to the barbarian with yet more hate is to only poke at its instinctive need to retaliate, but to at least do nothing at all, and avoid it—using our knowledge to find ways around it. Is it the pets fault the pet peed in the house, or the only one of the two that’s even able to know any better? Selfishness, hate—doesn’t know any better, love does. Therefore it’s loves responsibility to respond to it the most reasonably, even if it’s at its own expense, because again it would be wrong to throw the blind man in contempt for making blind like mistakes. It literally doesn’t know they just walked into the wrong bathroom etc.

                  Just because something is to barbaric or “sociopathic” doesn’t make it impossible to respond to it without retaliation in some way, or irrelevant to do so, it just makes it an obstacle for those surrounding it that are presently lucky enough to know better to find a way around the problem so to speak, to cater to it even; to toss away what our barbaric instinct would demand of us in the moment and replace it with the logic and reason that a selfless state of mind brings otherwise.

            • @Codrus
              -32 months ago

              My original question was: Rape in trumps regard, and murder in this one—what’s the difference?

              • @Allonzee
                42 months ago

                Oh, Ok, I’m sorry, I inferred a higher level of query when I should have just taken it at face value.

                RAPE: unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the person subjected to such penetration.

                MURDER: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

                • @Codrus
                  -22 months ago

                  I don’t think you’re catching on, lets try it like this: people championing a rapist, and people championing a murderer—what’s the difference? Either way both sides are championing a terrible thing, regardless of how justified either side convinces themselves that it’s not.

                  • @Allonzee
                    2 months ago

                    I’ve explained in a bunch of ways how murder can and does often have nuance based on who is murdered and why.

                    You appear to ignore those arguments and keep reverting to “murder always bad. Rape always bad, how are they different?” When the premise “murder always bad” you seem to hold as some universal truth isn’t true in a lot of circumstances, some of which I’ve outlined in other comments.

                    Sometimes murder makes the world a better place. Sometimes it effects positive change. Not usually, but sometimes. Sometimes murdering a murderer is the only way to stop them from murdering more. Sometimes the murderer is so powerful it is the only way to stop them. The trolley problem.