In this dream of mine, there was an issue with zombies. Not the conventional undead fare but people that carried a disease that made them attack those who didn’t carried it.

The strangest part is that these zombies would attempt to season their potential meals with salt and pepper before the first bite. And it was possible to snap the potential cannibal from their frenzied state by slapping them hard enough.

I woke half terrified and half face palming, undecided if I should laugh or question my sanity.

I’m not an horror movie fan. Why would my brain come up with this sort of plot for a dream?

  • @NineMileTower
    31 month ago

    I’m a professional psychologist with a specialization in dream relation analysis. While reading your post I’ve assessed enough to make a psychoanalytic evaluation of this dream. It means you are gay.

    You may or may not already be aware of this though.

    • qyronOP
      01 month ago

      Hmmmm… Well, being gay in neither a sin nor a problem to me. So, that is that.

        • qyronOP
          01 month ago

          Doc, you need to stop reading too much into my words. I said that is that. No judgement attached.