It was so fucking obvious, how he was paid by companies to do some arbitrary shit, and later there would be a stellar review of their products.
You had to be blind to not see it. It was hidden advertising, and it’s even illegal! But I think he changed his approach to make it BARELY legal now.
He has since apologized, made the victim whole (or as whole as can be)
Yeah after it became a scandal that hurt his business and reputation.
It was so fucking obvious, how he was paid by companies to do some arbitrary shit, and later there would be a stellar review of their products.
You had to be blind to not see it. It was hidden advertising, and it’s even illegal! But I think he changed his approach to make it BARELY legal now.
Yeah after it became a scandal that hurt his business and reputation.
…what was “obvious”, exactly? You haven’t even explained yourself, much less provided any sort of citation.