A recent copyright action taken by Teenage Engineering against Florian Pilz’s “Bad Gear” ‪@AudioPilz‬ channel exposes a dangerous precedent lurking in the license agreement buried inside Teenage Engineering’s materials: They have severe restrictions on exactly how you can use their devices in your published music. Unless you comply with their licensing restrictions, they could actually have a copyright claim against you, your music or your performances! In this video I expose what is going on, and how to avoid legal issues.

  • @afk_strats
    91 month ago

    Good video. Now I know to never buy anything from Teenage Engineering… More like “teenage hissy fit“

    • Echo Dot
      21 month ago

      Most of their products are just gimmicky anyway. Like a music player that had a turntable that you could mess with, I mean sure I guess it sort of fun for like 10 minutes but, really?