I don’t understand your analogy, but what I said is not silly.
Internet service providers sell you access to the internet. They don’t own/create the data on the internet, they provide you with a connection. Just look at the packages they sell. It’s bandwidth. (Except in some markets they have data caps but that’s bullshit rent seeking)
ISPs pay a more or less fixed rate for their infrastructure regardless of how much it’s used, and it’s inherently rate limited. You can’t make a 1 gig connection go faster than 1 gig or use more power than it would at 100%. The reality is though that customers rarely push it to 100% so actually they save a ton of money making people share bandwidth.
Never offer unlimited on a utility model without guardrails. That’s just business 101.
That’s ISPs default model and they’re very profitable
They don’t sell you data, they sell bandwidth which is very much limited.
…but then also sell your data, just not as the primary source of income.
By that argument chatgpt is limited by how fast they answer questions. It’s just a silly blanket statement that doesn’t hold up
I don’t understand your analogy, but what I said is not silly.
Internet service providers sell you access to the internet. They don’t own/create the data on the internet, they provide you with a connection. Just look at the packages they sell. It’s bandwidth. (Except in some markets they have data caps but that’s bullshit rent seeking)
ISPs pay a more or less fixed rate for their infrastructure regardless of how much it’s used, and it’s inherently rate limited. You can’t make a 1 gig connection go faster than 1 gig or use more power than it would at 100%. The reality is though that customers rarely push it to 100% so actually they save a ton of money making people share bandwidth.