• @someguy3
    2 months ago

    Not when we go to SUVs, growing population, and growing car ownership per capita. This is not static like everyone talks about. To make any real dent you pretty much need 100% EV sales.

    Again it’s the scale timeframe and policy. Scale: we’re talking the entire country, not singular cars. That means you have to account for what I listed above: movement to SUVs, growing population, and growing car ownership per capita. Timeframe: people demand decrease now. Not 20 years from now. That means you can’t wait out mixed EV and Ice sales for 20 years. Policy: People talk as if Biden failed because has consumption is up. Ok last explanation. He implements the impossible policy of 100% EV sales in 4 years. The result? Gas consumption is the same. See 250 million cars explanation. And people yell that he failed and it’s so easy. Reality is he succeeded and people don’t understand the metrics.

      • @someguy3
        02 months ago

        lol and now I see that you want to debate rather than seeking information like you initially said. Yeah that explains things.