Today’s game is Red Dead Online. While picking the screenshot i had the genius idea to crop the picture to help hide the UI it for people who like to guess (only took me 174 days to figure it out). Though for read dead i guess the idea is kind of null due to how recognizable the graphics are.

I have spent the last few months saving up to by a Bounty Wagon. I took this screenshot while running to get a Treasure Map, which brought me up to the $875 i needed for it. The sunset was really pretty while heading up here.

After getting the Treasure i raced to Strawberry, accidentally quit the game in my excitement, and rejoined at Emerald Ranch to buy it. After i bought it me and my friend went to do a bounty to break the thing in. Here is a screenshot of the newly bought Wagon in action (I broke it shortly after in the Legendary Bounty i did by driving it off a cliff and killed the two people i had in the back. It cost $8 to repair with a 2 minute wait time)

Backtracking a bit, we also did a Train bounty while saving up for it. We ended up going all the way from one side of New Austin to the Other based purely on the words some guy said that told us it’s up by Armadillo. We tracked the entire tracks looking for it only for the game to take pity on us. Here we are following the tracks:

Here’s also a bonus screenshot i was sure how to fit in from right before i bought the wagon where my horses ass erupted into flames like i was playing G-Mod and slapped a rocket on the back

  • @slimerancher
    42 months ago

    As someone who hasn’t played RDR 2 (or online) yet, I was guessing Skyrim 😀