The most emotional, tantrum throwing male I know recently informed me that women are emotional and irrational creatures that cannot think straight due to their plight. Zero self awareness even though he himself is the best evidence against the sexist idea he’s presenting
I learned back in highschool through my many attempts at doing so, that you cannot convince a stupid person that they’re stupid. Only smart people can know they’re stupid, which means I’m smart, because I realize I’m a god damn moron, but that also means I can’t be smart…
The most emotional, tantrum throwing male I know recently informed me that women are emotional and irrational creatures that cannot think straight due to their plight. Zero self awareness even though he himself is the best evidence against the sexist idea he’s presenting
I learned back in highschool through my many attempts at doing so, that you cannot convince a stupid person that they’re stupid. Only smart people can know they’re stupid, which means I’m smart, because I realize I’m a god damn moron, but that also means I can’t be smart…
Circular logic?
What you’re describing sounds like the 4 stages of competence
Everyone goes through these whenever you aquire a new skill