I’ve been wanting a suppressor for my rifle for awhile, but with the incoming administration I’m worried about having my fingerprints on file due to the tax stamp. On the other hand, I’m seeing a bunch of people recommending suppressors on the subreddit and they don’t seem to care. Is my worry reasonable or unfounded?
Seconding on just do the stamp. It sucks that a piece of safety equipment* requires special security checks, but a suppressor is nice to have.
They also lower recoil, which is not something I was expecting, but makes perfect sense after thinking about it.
*Guns are loud enough to damage hearing. Lowering that volume improves safety.
That’s why I’ve been a huge fan of linear comps.
They don’t do enough that you can skip hearing protection (except maybe a .22) but they still drastically reduce the hearing damage.
What’s crazy is apparently no one has done tests, I couldn’t find a single source where they measured how loud it is with and without one.
I think it’s being intentionally avoided by manufacturers because “anything that reduces the decibels” is the ATFs definition of a silencer, and these are grey area because it just “directs” the noise (and also the flash). So they don’t want to quantify any reduction in decibels.
I’ve got a cheapo comp off eBay, and according to my phone, it doesn’t make 1dB of difference. Thoughts?
In any case, it was worth the $20 to finally land on a muzzle device that fits the look of my AR.