This is a little concerning.

  • @CreatureSurviveM
    32 months ago

    I noticed that as well. Unfortunately the extension needs its current permissions to open the URL in Arctic. I could monitor the URL without code injection, but there is no way to open the url without code injection. I wish apple would allow showing native views or alerts without needing to inject code as that would be perfect for this situation.

    There is not exactly a good place to add a description explaining the access permissions. If I add it in the extension popup, it would only show after allowing it to run. Alternatively, I can add a more detailed description in the settings page, but the user will have to manually go to the settings page to see the description. It would be nice if I could add info to the alert like with photos access, but that is not possible with extensions.

    Alas, I’ll add some information about this somewhere.