Today’s game is Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. I went with a Out of Animus Screenshot to mix things up from the Usual Pirate Decor. i’ve gotten all the way to Sequence 12. I spent most of today doing Story Missions, so i’m going to be keeping the Screenshots a bit light so as to keep from spoiling it for anybody who might be considering playing it.

I’m almost ready to finish up the game. Tomorrow i plan to finish the story and hopefully get all the collectibles before doing Freedom Cry and moving onto what game i decide to do next.

While i was playing, A tornado came by and grabbed a ship and ripped it apart. it was something like out of Looney Tunes. I wish i got a clip of it but this was the perpetrator shortly after:

There was also a segment where you swim up through the water where Sharks with Sharks swimming around you. After doing all the Diving sections yesterday the Sharks had me on edge. In the diving sections they can latch on and maul you if you don’t escape via a QTE. The entire sequences had this fuzzy effect over it too so it had me on edge.

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    Origins is enjoyable, Odyssey felt bloated and empty to me. Origins had little bits of story in every sidequest. I wasn’t rushing to get it over with.

    • @slimerancher
      12 months ago

      Thanks for the info, will check it out.