…i suspect they realised that the bare roasting pan wasn’t going to work, transferred it to a foil sheet, everything fell apart, and then hastily re-assembled the broken bits into what was cooked for the final result…
Hehe, yeah. I think for me, it mostly comes down to the bacon. I can think of reasons why everything else would change. But any story I can come up with for why all the bacon pieces are completely different from the first one is less likely than if these are two separate meat babies. Ultimately, obviously, it doesn’t matter either way. But I think it’s more likely they are two separate babies from different times. Rather than that something happened to the first bacon diaper that necessetated throwing it out and making an entirely different one out of new pieces of bacon.
…i suspect they realised that the bare roasting pan wasn’t going to work, transferred it to a foil sheet, everything fell apart, and then hastily re-assembled the broken bits into what was cooked for the final result…
Hehe, yeah. I think for me, it mostly comes down to the bacon. I can think of reasons why everything else would change. But any story I can come up with for why all the bacon pieces are completely different from the first one is less likely than if these are two separate meat babies. Ultimately, obviously, it doesn’t matter either way. But I think it’s more likely they are two separate babies from different times. Rather than that something happened to the first bacon diaper that necessetated throwing it out and making an entirely different one out of new pieces of bacon.