• SmokeyDope
    2 months ago

    Okay, replace “mod” with “third party tool” then. The point is, using a calculator removes a lot of human skill and cognitive calculation that contributes to fallibility.

    You could make similar arguments about using programs to calculate optimal chess moves and how its “just doing what’s human could do”. We all know theres a difference. A human can’t exhaustively compute billions of possible moves to find the best one the way a calculator does. Even card counters with photographic memory are prone to making suboptimal plays. Is it theoretically possible for a human to play mathematically perfect hands the whole run without tool assistance? Yes. Is it likely? Not really.

    I personally don’t see those numbers as legitimately achieved through pure human skill and cognition when you use a computer to brute force it and fish for lucky seeds.

    The moment someone achieves those numbers on a random run without a calculator I will be very impressed.

    • Tarquinn2049
      2 months ago


      Random seed, no calculator. e 62.

      He does random runs all the time, just a dude playing the game, alot, but just playing.

      He does other runs with seeds and calculator too, but he does these ones.

      And this is just one of the people I found doing it. There were others.