• Paul in de Emiraten
    12 months ago

    @Andromxda @sith There are two things that keep me trapped:

    1. Airdrop. Buggy and unreliable, but oh so handy.
    2. TimeMachine. Also not 100% reliable, but great for the peace of mind.

    For the rest…I switched to Apple in 2001. It used to my secret business weapon (I forced my whole company over to Apple), but those days are long gone.

    Still hate MS-Windows though, so it going to be Linux. Anyone a suggestion for a Linux Airdrop and TimeMachine equivalent?

    • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
      2 months ago

      Not a real replacement for AirDrop, since it still requires devices to be on the same network, instead of using ad-hoc Wi-Fi, but LocalSend is pretty nice.

      Which features of Time Machine do you need? Just backing up, or do you also need the file history? For backups the best solution we have is probably Pika Backup (it uses Borg Backup under the hood, so it’s compatible with other tools that use the same standard). There’s a pretty good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W30wzKVwCHo
      It also lets you grab individual files from a backup, but it doesn’t look as nice as the Time Machine file history UI.

      • Paul in de Emiraten
        02 months ago

        @Andromxda I’ve watched the whole movie. Thank you very much. The only thing Apple has going for itself right now is just visuals, I guess. I’m trying to restore a photo library from Apple Time Machine by the way and it fails continuously. So much for the quality of the functionality. #butitlooksfantastic