A Snapdragon Elite phone with giant 7000 mAh Silicon Carbon battery, 100 W charging, 144 Hz refresh rate and even a 3.5 mm jack. All of it is let down by the fact that it’s promised only one major OS upgrade.

  • @Eagle0110
    15 days ago

    You mean the circle below the cameras? That is not a button, this phone has an active cooling system, yes you heard it right. The “button looking” thing is the fan’s protective grill, and the blue “ring” is the built-in RGB lights inside shinning through the gap for air to flow through. There is another set of openings on the side of the phone that gives another opening for air to flow through.

    Because of active cooling this phone has no IP rating at all. Based on benchmarks and reviews I’ve seen so far they managed to allow the GPU to have nearly no thermal throttling, with the active cooling system. However, disappointingly, it does throttle the CPU a LOT still.

      • @Eagle0110
        214 days ago

        Yeah it’s certainly interesting that at least one vendor is trying to push for such a specific extreme niche. You do have to give up pretty much everything else for it, only 1 year software support, on buggy software made by a very small and not-resourceful company with poor software quality and support track record, no SD card slot, no IP rating, and no unlockable bootloader even so no root and not custom ROM after they end the official software support, etc.

        But yes, looks like if the only thing you need is the best of the best sustained performance, this one is the best choice among all phones with this SoC.

        • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
          114 days ago

          Permalocked bootloader is a hard pass for me. If I buy a device, that device is mine. If I want to install something on it, I will. If they prevent me from doing that, I will simply not buy the device.

          Cool concept. Very, very poorly implemented.