Since I couldn’t find any site where all the 2025 monster manual previews were gathered, I’ve decided to create my own here. Feel free to add anything I have missed and I’ll update the post!
Official DnD youtube videos:
Statblock previews:
- The Empyrean (d4: D&D Deep Dive on youtube)
- Animal Lords (Dungeon Dudes on youtube)
- Half-Dragon (Pack Tactics on youtube)
- Cyclopes (Dungeon Dad on youtube)
- Ancient Green Dragon, Kuo’toa and Skeletons (article on
- Ancient Gold Dragon’s partial statblock (post on twitter)
Update 2025-01-13: Artwork and two statblocks, an article on enworld
Herp derp let me give Hasbro my money for recycled content of a lower standard than any homebrew.