Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER (-3.2)
Factual Reporting: MIXED (4.7)
Country: Qatar
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: LIMITED FREEDOM
Media Type: TV Station
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
What’s a good unbiased source? As an example
I checked DW on the above website and while they’re rated as being left center and having a high factual reporting, thanks to Germany’s general bias they currently report very little about Palestine.
I think you have to read a variety of sources and favor the outlets that report facts without reporter opinion. I’d use Al jazeera for news outside of the middle east, but also add reuters and Associated Press.
Foreign language press is also interesting if you feel your sources have bias.
Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER (-3.2) Factual Reporting: MIXED (4.7) Country: Qatar MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: LIMITED FREEDOM Media Type: TV Station Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
What’s a good unbiased source? As an example I checked DW on the above website and while they’re rated as being left center and having a high factual reporting, thanks to Germany’s general bias they currently report very little about Palestine.
I think you have to read a variety of sources and favor the outlets that report facts without reporter opinion. I’d use Al jazeera for news outside of the middle east, but also add reuters and Associated Press.
Foreign language press is also interesting if you feel your sources have bias.